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The Centre for X-ray Imaging aims supporting projects in RDI (research, development and innovation) by providing skills and resources in the field of X-ray imaging to partners from industry or academia.

Our offer comprises both research and a range of services adapted to your needs.


  • 2024-05-01 | Syrine Ben Elhadj Hamida just (re)joined DMEX. Within the scope of the ERC project PRD-Trigger she will continue her research on salt crystallization in porous media.
  • 2024-04-09 | Today Syrine Ben Elhadj Hamida defends her PhD dissertation entitled 'Advanced image processing of dynamic X-ray tomography data to study salt crystallization and damage processes in Savonnières rock'.
  • 2024-04-02 | Thibaut Epaillard just joined DMEX within the scope of an internship in partnership with Saint Gobain.
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Recent publications

  • Sol-gel transition by evaporation in porous media, 2024
  • Precipitation triggered dynamics in stone and ceramic tiles: a mesoscopic view, 2024
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