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Quantification des incertitudes de perméabilité dues aux rugosités (RugoRX)

Quick facts

project type ISIFoR
duration Sep 2017 - Aug 2019
project partners UPPA - LFCR, UPPA - LMAP
scientific responsible Philippe Poncet (UPPA)
contributors Fabrice Guerton (UPPA), Laurène Hume (UPPA - LMAP), Peter Moonen (UPPA - LFCR), Philippe Poncet (UPPA - LMAP)


Micron-scale roughness has shown to affect the static and dynamic contact angles as well as the phase distribution in porous media. Roughness is also one of the principal causes of hysteresis. In this project we focus on the assessment of the uncertainties on transport properties, induced by roughness below the detection limit of CT imaging.
