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Couplage expérimental multi-méthodes Radar Electromagnétique / LAser / Rayons X (RELAX)

Quick facts

project type ISIFoR
duration Dec 2016 - Nov 2018
project partners ISTERRE, UPPA - LMAP / INRIA, UPPA - LFCR
scientific responsible Daniel Brito (UPPA)
contributors Hélène Barucq (UPPA - LMAP / INRIA), Clarisse Bordes (UPPA - LFCR), Daniel Brito (UPPA - LFCR), Julien Diaz (UPPA - LMAP / INRIA), Stéphane Garambois (ISTERRE), Peter Moonen (UPPA - LFCR), Dominique Rousset (UPPA - LFCR), Philippe Roux (ISTERRE), Guy Sénéchal (UPPA - LFCR), Pascale Sénéchal (UPPA - DMEX), Jean Viieux (ISTERRE), Christophe Voisin (ISTERRE)


The project RELAX aims to couple quantitative imaging based on seismic wave propagation in reservoir rocks with high-frequency electromagnetic imaging. Those methods are complementary in terms of sensibility, dispersive properties and resolution. X-ray tomographic measurements will enable validating the obtained results.