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ESTimation de propriétés de transport dans l'IMage (ESTIM)

Quick facts

project type ISIFoR
duration Sep 2017 - Aug 2019
project partners IMFT, IMFT - MFEED, UPPA - LFCR
scientific responsible Gerald Debenest (IMFT)
contributors Gerald Debenest (IMFT), Fabrice Guerton (UPPA), Romain Guibert (IMFT - MFEED), Peter Moonen (UPPA - LFCR), Franck Plouraboue (IMFT), Philippe Poncet (UPPA - LMAP)


While it is well known how the determine monophase transport properties by direct calculation, the large cost remains problematic. This project aims estimating those properties based on 3D images.