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Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials (EXCITE)

Quick facts

project type H2020 INFRAIA
duration May 2021 - Apr 2024
project partners Cambridge, CNRS, GFZ, Ghent University - Radiation Physics Group, HZDR, INGV, TU Delft, UBI, UEDIN, UGA, UGR, Université de Montpellier, University of Oslo, UPPA - LFCR, UU
scientific responsible Veerle Cnudde (UU)
contributors Auke Barnhoorn (TU Delft), Liane Benning (GFZ), Rita Caldeira (UBI), Veerle Cnudde (UU), Elisabetta Del Bello (INGV), Florian Fusseis (UEDIN), Jose Godinho (HZDR), Richard Harrison (Cambridge), Havard Jostein Haugen (University of Oslo), Didier Loggia (Université de Montpellier), Peter Moonen (UPPA - LFCR), Carlos Rodrigues (UGR), Pascale Sénéchal (UPPA - DMEX), Andrea Tommasi (CNRS), Luc Van Hoorebeke (Ghent University - Radiation Physics Group), Gioacchino Viggiani (UGA)


15 European facilities for electron and X-ray microscopy joined forces and established the EXCITE network, serving the collective aim to enable access to high-end microscopy facilities and to join the knowledge and experience from the different institutions.
