Collaborative research
Researchers from academia and industry alike will find in us a competent partner who can adequately respond to their imaging needs. We work together to provide exactly those data needed to advance knowledge on the mechanism, process or phenomenon of interest.
Some examples of ongoing collaborative research projects:
- MICOR, MInimisation de la COnsommation d'eau dans la Récupération du lithium in-situ
- EnSuITe, bio-inspired Energy Sustainable and Independent Territories
- ExploH2, Etude du potentiel H2 de la zone intracratonique nord-américaine
- CoDis, Convective Dissolution
- PRD-Trigger, Precipitation triggered rock dynamics: the missing mesoscopic link
- EXCITE², Enhanced X(cross)-disciplinary Community-driven Imaging Technologies for Earth and Environmental material research
- IMAGINE², national platform for IMaging and Analysis to Guide INnovation adressing the Environmental and Energy transition
Recently completed projects in which we were involved:
- EDENE-PBR, Physics Based Registration
- CRYSTINART, Crystallization Damage at the Interfaces of Artworks
- RAISE2024, Toward all solid state batteries
- EXCITE, Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials
- SpectralCase, Imagerie spectrale de laboratoire
- FidelIX, Imagerie à rayons X fiable
- CorIm, Multi-modal imaging for energy applications
- exQUIS, QUality Imaging Services
- RINGS, Impact des Nouveaux Gaz dans les Stockages
- DEMATRIX, Matrix deformation in reservoir rocks: the case study of Hecho turbidites
- BIOTOM, Caractérisation des biofilms par tomographie à rayons X et à neutrons
- 3M, Mouillabilité : concilier les approches microscopiques et macroscopiques
- Qualiscan, Quality management in imaging
- RugoRX, Quantification des incertitudes de perméabilité dues aux rugosités
- HybridMeso, Procédé hybride adsorption/hydrate en milieu mesoporeux
- ESTIM, ESTimation de propriétés de transport dans l'IMage
- DE, Sub-voxel porosity and saturation level quantification by dual energy CT
- PALOMAC, Caractérisation de la microstructure des bétons végétaux légers par tomographie à rayons X
- RELAX, Couplage expérimental multi-méthodes Radar Electromagnétique / LAser / Rayons X
- MicrotoXMEB, Caractérisation micrométrique de la structure et de la chimie des roches
- PRESS-RX, Déterminer des champs de pression par tomographie à rayons X
- EPSI, Edge effects in pore-scale imaging of waterflood experiments
- ENDOMA, Endommagement matriciel des gaz shales
- HRflow, Transport en milieux poreux à haute résolution avec données réelles
- DYNAREG, Development of advanced algorithms for 4D image registration